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The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.
The timeline varies depending on the project's scope and complexity. Residential projects can take anywhere from a Typically, you’ll need building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Your contractor will help you navigate this process. few months to a year while commercial projects may take longer.

ready to build your dream together?

Edifici innovativi e di pregio con elevati standard in termini architettonici, impiantistici e contenuti tecnologici con sistemi a basso impatto energetico.


Strada della Rivetta 4/e 05022 Amelia (TR)

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Legge sulla trasparenza – Pubblicazione contributi pubblici

1) CONTRIBUTO C/ INTERESSI EURO 1.000,00 DATA 23/09/2020
2) “La società ha ricevuto benefici rientranti nel regime degli aiuti di Stato e nel regime de minimis per i quali sussiste l’obbligo di pubblicazione nel Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato di cui all’art.52 della L. 234/2012”

In ottemperanza agli obblighi imposti dalla Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124 (Legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza), la Papa Costruzioni Srl dichiara di aver ricevuto nell’esercizio precedente i contributi elencati al seguente link.


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