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Kamal Abraham

Founder & CEO



7300-7398 Colonial Rd Brooklyn, NY 11209

Professional info

Completely stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashio impactful paradigms Aliquam in gravida pulvinar arcu porttitor viverra sed sem orci. Ac ullamcorper in ornare relationships with whiteboard with methods.

Construction Design

Business Consulting

interior Design

Architecture Design

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We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger
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We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger
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Project Planning
We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger
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We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger
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We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger
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contact with me.

    Edifici innovativi e di pregio con elevati standard in termini architettonici, impiantistici e contenuti tecnologici con sistemi a basso impatto energetico.


    Strada della Rivetta 4/e 05022 Amelia (TR)

    Informativa GDPR

    Legge sulla trasparenza – Pubblicazione contributi pubblici

    1) CONTRIBUTO C/ INTERESSI EURO 1.000,00 DATA 23/09/2020
    2) “La società ha ricevuto benefici rientranti nel regime degli aiuti di Stato e nel regime de minimis per i quali sussiste l’obbligo di pubblicazione nel Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato di cui all’art.52 della L. 234/2012”

    In ottemperanza agli obblighi imposti dalla Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124 (Legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza), la Papa Costruzioni Srl dichiara di aver ricevuto nell’esercizio precedente i contributi elencati al seguente link.

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